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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Successful small business ideas written by Forbes

Here are the "small business ideas" from the 25 most successful small business ideas written by Forbes editor Rashi Maheshwari in American Business Magazine:

Are you thinking of starting your own business? But, are you feeling completely confused and directionless about where to start?

If the decision to start your own company seems overwhelming and lacks prior experience, you've come to the right place.

But, if you have a business idea that you are interested in starting your new journey, then you are on the right path in your entrepreneurial journey.

Forbes Advisor India researched over 150 ideas and selected 25 of the most successful small business ideas that can help you succeed.

Serial Episode 1

  SEO (SEO: Search Engine Optimization) Consultant:

SEO—short for search engine optimization—is helping search engines understand your content and help users find your site and decide whether they should visit your site through their search engine.

SEO consultants provide search engine optimization services. This is one of the most trending business that can definitely be started on a small-scale basis. In today's world, there is a rat race between big companies and big personalities who want to be visible online more often than others.

Here, SEO experts know and help you best how to bring more organic traffic to your website with the most up-to-date tools and art strategies of successful customers and traffic.

SEO businesses are generally quite profitable as search engines are always evolving and thus there is a huge demand for SEO consultants.

So, if you are an SEO expert, you can easily set up your own business without working for any company or organization.

All you need to do is invest in marketing, education and business organization to make huge profits from the business.


Serial episode 2

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Building a tiny low business – with family

Plan to Eat may be a tiny business — simply our family. We tend to set too soon that charging for our service would enable U.S. to grow slow and build a protracted term, property business.
If you wish to travel into business throughout powerful economic times, you may need to try and do it with family.

At Sokol Blosser wine maker in urban center, Ore., siblings Alex and Alison Sokol Blosser took over as co-presidents of their parents' business even as the economy went downhill in 2008.
They had been commercialism most of their high-end wine in restaurants, however once the recession hit, folks stopped consumption out the maximum amount.

So they had to shift lots of their business to retail, that took time and energy. Revenue and gain took a success.
We had to pay lots extra money in selling and sales, thus we have a tendency to simply poured cash into that thus gain was what extremely got squeezed," same Alex Sokol Blosser.
What unbroken them going is that the siblings see themselves as stewards, instead of house owners, of the business that their oldsters started within the Nineteen Seventies which currently produces common grape vine Noirs, common grape vine painter and alloyed wines.
We're wanting to form it a much better business, same Alex Sokol Blosser.
They have short-run goals that they need to satisfy, however they're watching the business in concert they need to depart this world to their kids, if they are interested.
This could be a marathon, not a sprint," he said. "When the days got powerful we have a tendency to realised, you know, it's OK if we have a tendency to take a success to gain as a result of we all know we're progressing to return.
Some family businesses area unit a lot of resilient throughout downturns due to that target the future and a commitment to their customers, workers and careful disbursement, same Pramodita Sharma, a University of Green Mountain State graduate school academician and editor of the closed corporation Review, a donnish business journal.
Today, Alex oversees production as vintner and grape cultivator, and Alison handles sales and selling.They strategizes perpetually regarding wherever they need to be and their five-year arrange, same Arthur Anton Jnr., chief in operation officer.
Competition from imports could be a constant struggle for the corporate, that makes picket trains, jigsaw puzzles, blocks, and crib and checkers boards.And so it absolutely was quite a natural, this is often currently the main target of the family," he said.
Maple Landmark, a picket toy company in Green Mountain State started by Michael Rainville, currently employs his sister, his wife, his mother and his 93-year-old grandparent -- and his sons once they don't seem to be in class.
Rainville, whose business grew out of a childhood hobby of creating game boards from scrap wood, is willing to figure long hours and do no matter it takes to stay the business going.
The cows area unit gone, the shop is long oversubscribed and this is often wherever we have a tendency to all gather currently.
I suppose lots of individuals in our business do not verify that, he said.
They're simply day-after-day operators WHO do not look to the large image or the longer term.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Barack Obama's Outsourcing Stuffed

Throughout the past period, President Barack Obama's battle has impacted Republican rival Glove Romney as AN “outsourcer,” that work in his vocation with non- popular value firm Bain Capital. 

The Romney fight hit once again on Tues, guaranteeing Obama's information bundle didn't shield yankee staff and assisted produce businesses abroad.
At a comparable time," Paul same, "there's been no minute wherever he's been soon after a group of CEOs wherever he's split them for what they’ve not in a favorable position the economy.
Provided that Romney extremely required a delicious illustration of outsourcing, he might should look no supplemental than the president's occupations gathering.
Paul, of the Alliance of American Manufacturing, same Obama has demonstrated a manner to acclaim firms once they transform U.S. occupations.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Rock risk forces shaping Yosemite Valley

One of the most popular tourist destinations in the national park system That’s Falling boulders are the single biggest force shaping Yosemite Valley. Now swaths of some popular haunts are closing for good after geologists confirmed that unsuspecting tourists and employees are being lodged in harm's way.

On Thursday, will leave some of the valley's most popular lodging areas permanently uninhabitable that’s the National Park Service will announce that potential danger from the unstable 3,000-foot-tall Glacier Point, a granite promontory that for decades has provided a dramatic backdrop to park events.

There are no absolutely safe areas in Yosemite Valley," said Greg Stock, the park's first staff geologist and the primary author of a new study that assesses the potential risk to people from falling rocks in the steep-sided valley. The highest risk area is family friendly Curry Village, which was hit by a major rock fall several years ago.
Including the popular climbing wall El Capitan, where the danger posed by the rock falls is high but risk of injury is low because they aren't continuously occupied. A newly delineated "hazard zone" also outlines other areas.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Obama: Economy, not gay marriage, will decide vote

President Barack Obama says it is "hard to say" whether his new stance supporting same sex marriage will hurt his re-election. He says there's a major difference between himself and Republican challenger Mitt Romney on the issue, but says the economy will ultimately determine the outcome of the election.

Obama made his remarks during a discussion on ABC's "The View," a daytime talk show. That interview will air later Tuesday, but ABC broadcast an excerpt on "Good Morning America."
He said churches should have the right to make their own determinations about marriage. But he said that as a matter of civil law, all Americans should be treated equally.
Obama became the first sitting president to support same-sex marriage last week. Before, he had said his views had been evolving.

Among Democrats hungering for inspiration from the man who instilled hope four years ago, you hear talk of newfound respect for a candidate they supported, before this, only halfheartedly. The word "courage" comes up again and again.
"I'm really proud of him," said Margie DeLong, a retired nurse in northern Lake County who plans now to volunteer for the Obama campaign, as she did in 2008.
The Rev. Courtney Jenkins found something else to celebrate in her Mother's Day sermon at Euclid Avenue Congregational Church. Jenkins preaches to a mostly black congregation in Cleveland, where high turnout among African-Americans will be one make-or-break factor for Obama in Ohio. She knows there are those who theologically disagree with his position; she heard as much from one colleague last week. Still, that person told her, "This is the president I've been waiting on. One who will stand up and say: This is what I believe."
Said Jenkins: "I think that's really what voters were looking for. He preached change. We've been waiting on change."
For some Republicans here, the gay marriage comments only reinforced long-held suspicions of, and opposition to, Obama. But more than that, this statement feels like another in-their-face reminder that the country is headed off-track in ways that have nothing to do with job numbers and debt statistics.
"This is the Bible Belt, and we still believe what the Bible says," said Harty Wallingford, a civil engineer in Ohio's Appalachian region. "They can change the Bible in the city, but we won't change it here. We're not like California. They've just gone crazy there."
Will this renewed debate go so far as to be a decider in the state that itself could determine the election? Probably not. Will it dominate the discussion as the campaign goes on? Not likely. This is a place, like much of America, far more concerned about jobs and foreclosures, but also matters such as student loan costs, collective bargaining rights and fair elections laws.
But has gay marriage entered into the dialogue here on the ground? Absolutely. And what we find in those conversations is what we may already know as Americans: That while our families, our pocketbooks and our communities may drive our choices come Election Day, our hearts — whether motivated or alienated — play a part as well.
Just listen to some of the many people talking now all across this bellwether state.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Malawi devalues kwacha currency by 50% after IMF calls

Malawi's central bank has devalued its currency, the kwacha, by 50% and scrapped its peg to the US dollar, in a bid to improve relations with donors.
The International Monetary Fund has long urged Malawi to cut the value of its currency, saying this would boost exports and reduce demand for imports.
However, ex-President Bingu wa Mutharika, who died in April, said devaluation would lead to inflation.
New President Joyce Banda is trying to persuade donors to restore aid.
One dollar is now worth 250 kwacha, up from 168.

 Joyce Banda has reversed several of her predecessor's policies

"The devaluation of the kwacha and the liberalisation of the foreign exchange market are expected to continue the government's efforts to reach agreement with the IMF," said Reserve Bank of Malawi Governor Charles Chuka, adding that this would hopefully lead to more donors funding in the next few months.
Economists say they do not expect the move to immediately lead to higher prices, as many businesses were expecting the move and were already using the new exchange rate.
In recent years, Malawi has run short of foreign currency after donors cut aid and demand fell for its main export, tobacco.
This led to a lack of fuel in the country.
Last week, President Banda said she did not want Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir, accused of war crimes, to attend a summit in July.
She says she feared the "economic implications" if Mr Bashir attended the African Union meeting in the country.
This was another about-turn on the position of her predecessor.
She has also fired Mutharika's widow, Callista, from her job as coordinator for safe motherhood.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Facebook IPO (initial public offering) price range

Facebook has set an IPO price range between $28 and $35. Furthermore, Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg will personally be selling 30.2 million shares of his company.
Facebook today once again updated its filing for an initial public offering (IPO) with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This is the fifth time it has done so, and the biggest update is that Facebook has set a price range of $28 to $35 per share. 

Let's hope Mark Zuckerberg has deep pockets in his hoodie.
The Facebook CEO plans to sell 30.2 million shares of his stake in the social network when it publicly offers its stock later this month. If the company's IPO prices at the top of its $28 to $35 per-share range, Zuckerberg would pocket a "cool" $1.1 billion.
Given the sale of some 337.4 million shares, this means the company could raise between $5.04 billion as much as $6.30 billion for itself, and between $4.41 billion and $5.51 for its investors. The company estimates it will likely net $5.6 billion from the offering if it achieves a mid-point price of $31.50 per share.

However, most of that cash will go straight to Uncle Sam and California. Zuckerberg plans to partially exercise a major stock options grant, and will use almost all of the cash he raises from his IPO sale to pay off the taxes on that maneuver.
It's the day techies and investors have been waiting for: Facebook set a price range of $28 to $35 per share for its initial public offering. It also upped the maximum size of its offering to $13.6 billion, up from its previous $5 billion estimate.

Facebook currently has around 2.1 billion shares outstanding, so if its IPO prices at the top of the range, the company would be valued at just shy of $75 billion.
Many Facebook employees and executives, including Zuckerberg, hold unexercised stock options. The company itself is also holding some shares for future employee equity grants. If all of those shares were exercised, Facebook's outstanding share count would rise to around 2.8 billion, pushing its valuation closer to $98 billion. 

Facebook's target price range isn't binding, and could change several times before Facebook actually makes its debut. The company will set its final price the night before it begins trading. That's expected to happen sometime in mid-May, with May 18 the current target date.
Institutional investors who purchase shares directly from Facebook's underwriters, including lead banker Morgan Stanley, will buy in at the IPO price. Regular investors will get their shot the next day, when Facebook begins trading on the tech-heavy Nasdaq exchange under the ticker "FB." 

The target range set on Thursday could be lowballing. Facebook said in a filing last month that it internally valued its shares at $30.89 each, as of January 31 -- up from $29.73 a month earlier.
Facebook's user base is growing. The site had 901 million monthly active users as of March 31, up 33% compared to the same date last year. User growth is fastest in Brazil, India, and the United States, Facebook said.
Zuck's windfall: Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg plans to sell 30.2 million shares in the IPO offering. If Facebook prices at the top of its range, that will net Zuckerberg about $1 billion -- cue the Sean Parker "you know what's cool?" jokes.
But Zuckerberg won't be hanging on to his cash. The company said he will use the "substantial majority" of the windfall to cover the whopping tax bill he'll be hit with, thanks to his plan to exercise a large stock-options grant that will substantially increase his ownership stake in the company he founded.
In 2011, Facebook CEO Zuckerberg pulled in a $500,000 base salary. But he requested -- and will receive -- only $1 per year in salary starting January 1, 2013.
Zuckerberg, who remains the largest shareholder in the company he created, still takes home a hefty pay package. His total compensation in 2011 came to $1.48 million, according to Facebook's calculations.
Facebook, Inc. is offering 180,000,000 shares of its Class A common stock and the selling stockholders are offering 157,415,352 shares of Class A common stock. We will not receive any proceeds from the sale of shares by the selling stockholders. This is our initial public offering and no public market currently exists for our shares of Class A common stock. We anticipate that the initial public offering price will be between $28.00 and $35.00 per share.
Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg will personally sell 30.2 million shares for the IPO. Despite this, he will still control the majority of the company: 57.3 percent of voting shares after the IPO.
But even after the tax man takes his bite, Zuckerberg will be a paper billionaire. His remaining 504 million shares will make him worth $17.6 billion if Facebook hits the top of its IPO range -- enough to make him one of the 50 richest people on the planet, by Forbes' calculation. Bloomberg has already give him a spot in its Billionaires Index.
It will be the Facebook CEO's biggest payday by far, though he has collected plenty of cash over the years. Last year, he made $483,000 in salary, took home a $220,500 bonus, and received additional perks like private jet travel valued at $783,000.