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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Car Insurance Companies list

Knowing you have selected a good car insurance company is peace of mind you will want to have before you get in an accident, have your car stolen, or encounter any number of situations that involve you having to make a claim. You don't want to find out too late that your car insurance provider isn't up to par.

This list contains the top ten best auto insurance companies based on affordability, value of services, and responsiveness. Because, after all, what good is having a rock bottom rate if you don't get enough in return or can't get the help you need when you need it.

Don't agree with the list? Vote for an existing item you think should be ranked higher or if you are a logged in, add a new item for others to vote on or create your own version of this list.

Buying auto insurance is one of the most important decisions you can make.  Generally, consumers seek car insurance that is comprehensive and low-cost. But you have to make sure that the auto insurance is offered from a reliable company. A reliable company has several qualities including, exceptional customer service, deals with claims expeditiously, and has a good credit rating.  These are some steps you can take in choosing the right insurance company:

Some Popular Auto 
Insurance Companies:

GMAC Insurance    
Liberty Mutual        
State Farm               
The General            
The Hartford           
21st Centur

Today’s consumers have a wealth of information available to them which can help discern the merits of services and products.  The above insights will guide you in deciding the right insurance company to help meet your auto insurance needs.